DragD3D: Vertex-based Editing for Realistic Mesh Deformation Using 2D Diffusion Priors

1Concordia University, 2MILA
teaser image.

Our vertex-based local editing achieves realistic global context-aware mesh deformation using a few handle points. The user specifies a few mesh vertices (red) as handles, their target positions (blue), and an optimization area (light green).


Direct mesh editing and deformation are key components in the geometric modeling and animation pipeline. Direct mesh editing methods are typically framed as optimization problems combining user-specified vertex constraints with a regularizer that determines the position of the rest of the vertices.

The choice of the regularizer is key to the realism and authenticity of the final result. Physics and geometry-based regularizers are not aware of the global context and semantics of the object, and the more recent deep learning priors are limited to a specific class of 3D object deformations.

In this work, our main contribution is a local mesh editing method called DragD3D for global context-aware realistic deformation through direct manipulation of a few vertices. It achieves this by combining the classic geometric ARAP (as rigid as possible) regularizer with 2D priors obtained from a large-scale diffusion model. Specifically, we render the objects from multiple viewpoints through a differentiable renderer and use the recently introduced DDS loss which scores the faithfulness of the rendered image to one from a diffusion model. DragD3D combines the approximate gradients of the DDS with gradients from the ARAP loss to modify the mesh vertices via neural Jacobian field, while also satisfying vertex constraints. We show that our deformations are realistic and aware of the global context of the objects, and provide better results than just using geometric regularizers.


method image.


result image.



The source code of this project is based on some amazing projects:




Neural Jacobian Fields


  title={DragD3D: Vertex-based Editing for Realistic Mesh Deformations using 2D Diffusion Priors},
  author={Xie, Tianhao and Belilovsky, Eugene and Mudur, Sudhir and Popa, Tiberiu},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.04561},